Massif Continental
Massif continental
Incendie, photographie
Incendie, impressions sur papier coton, 2014
Sans titre, dessins des cimes,  feutres sur papier arches, 60 x 60 cm, 2017
Vue de l'exposition
Installation, dimensions variables, bois papier coton arches, cordes, acier, pvc, plomb, 2020

Massif Continental is an exhibition project that brings together works that question the representations and interactions we have with natural environments and its archetypes. It attempts to understand the cultural workings of today and of yesteryear that we maintain with them. This approach not only represents a certain materiality of nature, but contextualizes the elements at the centre of a creative process.

With each new edition, the project invests and dialogues with the architectural and surrounding features of the place; a proposal that refines its relationship to the place at a time when time optimization and transmission speed have become crucial.

By putting the experience of space into perspective, the project involves various paths at the intersection of natural places and dense environments.